Animated educational videos are a proven teaching tool, leveraged by savvy educators to break down complex ideas into a clear, engaging, simplified lesson. Student engagement is one of the hardest aspects of being a teacher, so it is crucial to keep lessons creative in order to keep your classroom interested. Our brains process videos and images faster and better than written words, and retain the information much longer. One reason is that our brains are hardwired to fixate on animated images and stay focused. Animated educational videos are a proven teaching tool, leveraged by savvy educators to break down complex ideas into a clear, engaging, simplified lesson. Student engagement is one of the hardest aspects of being a teacher, so it is crucial to keep lessons creative in order to keep your classroom interested. Our brains process videos and images faster and better than written words, and retain the information much longer. One reason is that our brains are hardwired to fixate on animated images and stay focused. Animated educational videos are a proven teaching tool, leveraged by savvy educators to break down complex ideas into a clear, engaging, simplified lesson. Student engagement is one of the hardest aspects of being a teacher, so it is crucial to keep lessons creative in order to keep your classroom interested. Our brains process videos and images faster and better than written words, and retain the information much longer. One reason is that our brains are hardwired to fixate on animated images and stay focused. I look forward to working with you.