Right here If you are looking for a core web vitals expert to fix the Google search console or page speed insight identified CLS issues. CLS stands for cumulative layout shift it is a new ranking factor of google in 2021. Actually, when loading a webpage should take a timeless than 0.1s, if webpages are taken at a time above 0.1s then count in google search console CLS issues. These errors come due to the missing property of CSS.
So, I have the best expertise in how to find CLS issues of existing code and fixing them by applying CSS code.
Levels of CLS( Cumulative layout shift)
- If the webpage loading time above the fold takes 0.26s or above show "error" google search console.
- If the webpage loading time above the fold takes 0.25s to 0.1s show "Need to improvement" google search console.
Supported CMS:
After fixing the CLS issues you can test in the page speed insight tool.
Keep in mind that after fixing the issues and submitting the validation Google take normally 28 days to update the status in the google search console.
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