Hey there,
If you are looking for someone good with smart contract programming and contract development, you are in the very right honey spot. I will give you your own erc20, bep20 token.
I will prepare your smart contract and will check it on the test-net first. Will make you a part of the testing phase, so you will be sure that your token is exchangeable and has the correct supply of tokens, etc etc.,
After testing, I will deploy your contract on any one of these blockchains
Ethereum (ETH)
BinanceSmartChain (BSC)
Polygon (POLY)
You will have to give me details like;
Name: [eg: NewWorldOrder]
Symbol: [eg: NWO]
Supply: [eg:10000]
Other than standard functions I can add custom functions to your smart contract also like: tax functions, burn functions, exchange listing, etc.
Please make sure that you discuss your project with me, before placing an order.
Discussion is free forever, so please discuss your required work details with me first.