During my Career I have worked in a variety of offices providing General Office Duties. I am also experienced in Real Estate Offices , Legal Offices fworking on Wills, Business Minutes, Real Estate transactions. Legal Documents require perfect spelling and grammar.
As an Employment Specialist I was continually checking grammar, spelling on reports, CV's, Resumes, Cover Letters and Workshop Content. I development and facilitated Workshops and Career Seminars for Educational and Career Searches
I performed general adminstrative duties, letters, monthly reports, balancing petty cash, media advertising, brochures, promotional material, data base input, dicta typing - tape and digital, newsletters and flyers Exceptional Typist: who can perform general office duties, letters, reports, dicta typing tape and digital, promotional material, data base input, newletters, media advertising, power point, brochures, business cards - using Publisher, transcriptions to word documents
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