I design and develop WordPress plugins from scratch, whose applications can add to WordPress:
- New fields or forms in the Gutenberg editor
- Various administration pages in the WordPress dashboard.
- Several pages were added to the presentation page or WordPress theme using templates.
- Data processing in the database using stored procedures and/or in PHP code.
- Databases for the use of the plugin.
- Consumption of Third Party APIs/Integrations, etc.
The frameworks or methodologies that I use to develop the applications are: Project management institute (PMI), Agile, and Scrum.
Why work with me:
- I will develop the custom application you need into a plugin.
- Use APIs and/or databases.
- Process any type of data of APIs and/or data of the database.
- The application will comply with the current safety and quality standards.
- I will work on the project using the PMI, Agile, and SCRUM.
- I will plant trees every six months.