I have 10 years of experience in Web development. My current main area of interests is WordPress development. I have 8 years of experience in creating big and complex WordPress projects. I will be happy to craft a state of the art product for you using WordPress. I am familiar with many others, but this is my favorite. I have wide knowledge of many modern technologies in web development stack -- from low-level networking protocols and system tweaking (debian, nginx, apache) to server-side programming (PHP, MySQL) to client-side programming (HTML5 APIs, Javascript, AngularJS). I could solve the programming task of any complexity for you. I prefer to develop complex and unique web and / or user interface instead of creating simple websites similar to each other. I love new things and new technology. Here are my WordPress experiences: WordPress Themes/Plugins framework experiences: Programming Language: Payment process experiences: Deployment infrastructure experiences: Development tools: - Git (Github/bitbucket) - Continuous Integration: CircleCi, CodeShip.