WordPress, Theme, and plugin installation.
If you have a domain name, hosting space, and WordPress Theme & want to install that theme on your website then you are at the right place.
100% Client Satisfaction
Quality work
Money-back Guarantee.
I will Install WordPress, theme & Setup abjectly as the demo!
Basic Package:
Installing WordPress
Installing WordPress Theme
Installing Theme's Default Plugins
Delivery in just 3 Hours.
Standard Package:
Setting up same like Demo with your content
Adding site's Name
Uploading Logo
Adding Navigation Menu/Tab
Up to 5 pages
Premium Package:
Setting up same like Demo with your content
Adding site's Name
Uploading Logo
Adding Navigation Menu/Tab
Complete Website Creation
Up to 7 pages,
Theme preference:
Any Theme forest Marketplace themes
Woo-commerce theme
Genesis theme
Template Monster
Divi theme
any premium or free themes
Feel free to ask me any questions over the message