These are the top three things that affect your website speed in order of importance: 1. Your web host. Many so called web hosts are just one big caching farm and your site is on the cheapest piece of junk server they can buy with thousands of others hosted on it. That works fine if your website is just static content. Many websites, especially e-commerce sites are interactive. Visitors search, and add things to their card, fill in forms. If that's when your site begins to crawl, then you need a real web host like us. 2. If you pull external content e.g. video, twitter feed, javascript etc. If this is done right the effects can be minimized, and there are ways and means around some of this, but in the end these things are slower than plain text or HTML. 3. Optimized pages so the elements are individually optimized, load in the correct order, and are sent to the visitor as quickly as possible.