The service that I offer is to edit an ordinary article into a piece that has character and impact. Many applicants for jobs or proposals for businesses lack the character or impact in their use of words. Many writers of articles or documents for newspapers, magazines and journals have fantastic ideas and knowledge to impart but their writing styles make their articles sound so mundane and ordinary. As a result the article or proposal does not catch the attention of the editors. Each day, hundreds of thousands of such applications and articles are sent to potential employers or clients. Most of these high-powered and busy personnel just do not have the time or patience to read through a long-winded application that is full of cliche and boring statements. The ultimate question to ask is " Why should your application be chosen out of the thousands that have been received?" The services that I can provide is to upgrade an ordinary application or article into one that consists of certain words or phrases that will catch the attention and arouse the interest of the reader instantly. Words and phrases that will encourage the reader to continue reading the whole article and not to chuck it aside after reading a couple of sentences. Consequently the success rate of the article or proposal being accepted will be greatly increased. That is the hope and expectation of every applicant! My expertise is to make that expectations comes true!