Quality. That’s what you want in life. That’s what most people want. If quality didn’t matter, no one would drive a Mercedes-Benz. Quality costs a more on the front end but in the long run, it’s the smart investment A vinyl windbreaker from Walmart is cheaper than a camel hair coat from Nordstrom. A warm camel hair will last decades. When amortized, which is less expensive? Strategy. You have a written plan to achieve success. A part of your strategic approach is telling your story. Your customers won’t remember the specs you tell them. Their eyes will glaze over when you start speaking of widgets and gizmos. They will remember a story — your story. Goals. Quality + Strategy = Attainable Goals. Quality alone won’t help you meet sales quota. A strategy is useless in a vacuum. What’s missing? The missing link sets you apart. The nebulous ‘thing’ that motivates your clients to buy from you instead of the guy down the street or in the next town. The story is missing. The story. I massage your raw facts and data and weave them into a story where your customers get to know you. When they know you, they trust you. When they trust, they buy