PSYCHOLOGY: Bachelor's degree in psychology. Interested in gestalt, psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, inner child, and muscular therapies for past trauma rehabilitation and anxiety disorders. Also interested in creative arts therapy and multisensory environments for developmental, learning, and neruo-cognitive disorders, as well as physical and sensory rehabilitation and dementia. NATUROPATHY: Topics include but are not limited to: food combining, internal PH balance, exercise, sun exposure, Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, fasting, diet, healthy recipes, public health, vaccinations, genetically modified foods, and the cure for cancer. SPIRITUALITY/METAPHYSICS: Personal experience with meditation, lucid dreaming, healing, geomancy (feng shui), dowsing, sacred geometry, astrology, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Native American philosophy. Also knowledgeable about conspiracy theories, and secret societies. Science: Neuroscience, physics, astrophysics, and astronomy, Interested in alternative energy. Physical fitness: Experienced with weightlifting, crossfit, calisthenics, yoga, and qigong,