I am a dedicated writer and an English Literature University student with a skill for words reflected in whatever I carefully create. I can cater to a variety of people, ensuring that whomever is in your target audience is interested and gripped with whatever content you'd like portrayed. I am passionate about fashion, makeup/beauty, music and well-being, and can therefore write on such subjects with interest and ease. Journalistic writing and interviewing are areas I am also very interested in - an important aspect of writing because first-hand information is appealing to readers and consumers. I am also able to edit any piece of writing you'd like polished and made professional, in result, made ready for public viewing. Being the visual person I am, I can edit or organise the contents on brochures, leaflets, flyers and any other advertising outlets required (I can also model products if necessary). My skill-set is diverse and varied enough to make me confident in my ability for a plethora of creative and writing opportunities.