I'm a 64-year old former newspaper reporter. During my career I have served as the Sports Editor of the daily Fontana (CA) Herald-News, as Public Relations Director for The Bakersfield (CA) Chamber of Commerce, owner, publisher, editor of the Kern Sports and Business tabs, co-publisher, news-editor of the controlled circulation weekly Tehachapi (CA) Summit Sun. I have also been a pastor of Church of the Brethren congregations in Rocky Ford, CO., and Goshen, IN. Recently I released a Christian Fantasy e-book, Abaddrel's Return, through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. http://www.amazon.com/Abaddrels-Return-Rise-Daemons-Lords-ebook/dp/B00VIVZ33Y. Abaddrel was originally the first of three screenplays submitted to Amazon Studio More recently I have a blog: dunkerexpress.wordpress.com. In the past I have developed and maintain gochurch.info, a web site for small church leadership, and CStation.info, a local web directory and web guide for the Ocala and Gainesville areas. Both sites are now discontinued.