I am a writer, book editor, certified translator and public relations strategist; with more than ten years of professional experience, and an educational background in Philosophy, Political Studies, English Literature, Human Resources, Cinematic Arts and Business Communications. I am also one of the co-founders of Picozu, the HTML5 Image Editor and responsible for the application's web content and PR strategies. I also took classes on the following topics: Organizational Communications, Human Resources Inspector, The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color, Child Nutrition and Cooking, Competitive Strategy, Nutrition, Health, and Lifestyle: Issues and Insights, Revolutionary Ideas: An Introduction to Legal and Political Philosophy. I have an extensive experience with anything related to writing, from simple articles to academic papers, e-books or corporate stories, in a wide variety of niches, such as: philosophy, history, literature, public relations, health, nutrition, medicine, natural remedies, weight loss, fitness, cinematic arts, wildlife removal and control, interior design, fashion, personal styling, house maintenance, dentistry, cloud computing, IT, new media, social media, and many others. In terms of corporate writing, I am proficient in developing any kind of online content, from newsletters to terms and conditions or website reviews, and also public relations and digital marketing strategies, and other types of brand identity writings. My writing style is always compliant with the needs of my clients and the needs of their target audiences, all my writings are proofread and ready to be used, and deadlines play an important role when developing all my writing schedules. Please don’t hesitate in contacting me with any questions you might have about my previous experience or about coming up with a plan for your projects.