Can write:
- Blog Posts
- Articles
- Fiction
- Radio/ Podcast
- Emails
- Essays
- Blurbs
Or anything else you may need!
Contact me for further info regarding payment.
Short Example of Fiction Writing:
Veera didn’t usually steal, so as her feet propelled her into an aching run, heels red and raw against the cobbled ground, she wondered what had gotten into her- why’d she have to do something so reckless?
With a quick glance over her shoulder, she could see the heads of authority figures bobbing through the crowd, inching too close for comfort.
The sun was bright and forceful that day; beads of sweat began to form on Veera’s forehead as she dashed past dancing children, smiling couples, and old men with abnormally long beards. The smell of spices and sweet coffee from nearby stalls wafted through the air.