Practically any kind of information created in almost every medium may need transcription, including audio files, videos, and written materials.
- Audio transcription: Audio files, such as recordings and podcasts, are commonly transcribed into readable, written text. For example, recorded legal depositions are routinely transcribed, so they are easily accessible to other lawyers, juries, and judges. Medical and healthcare professionals often record notes that require transcription for medical records.
- Video: Video transcription is the process of converting a video or film audio track into text. Video interviews, for instance, are regularly transcribed for blogs and news articles. Documentary films are often transcribed into ebooks.
- Written materials: Written PDFs and handwritten materials such as notes, letters, and manuscripts are routinely transcribed. Transcription of written materials may include converting multiple notes into a single, readable text document or extracting copy from brochures and similar materials to create a text-only layout.