I am currently doing my real-time research about the human life and how it can be superimposed with all the knowledge available on earth (science, Information technology, Mathematics, etc.., and main stream holy scriptures (Thora, Bible, Gita, Quran), and to present these findings in a layman’s point of view to world with the intention for the welfare of our fellow beings. Purely wishing to be a voluntary work so far, as 40 years I am in the mission but published nothing but waiting to a proper time for its release. Before fully dedicated me into the research I have had hands on experience in technology as well as humanities (Electronics, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer science, Legal system, Spiritual, Religious, Biology, and Philosophy etc). In the light of these experiences I can render assistance to those in need as above mentioned categories, also anybody can contribute/share their experience to me in this research for the benefit for mankind. Language and grammar is not so important at this research stage than facts needed till we plan to transmit them, but assuming ENGLISH as the best medium.