I have always enjoyed, writing and presentation in a logical yet succulent manner, whether the topic deals with cold technicalities, interesting humanities, enjoyable aesthetics or sublime philosophy. Although it is a fact that images and multimedia could speak a "thousand words", complementing them with words becomes essential. In fact, when the message is to be precise, less dependent on the imagination of the viewer/reader, words become even more important. I take up writing and presentation work as a source of enjoyment as well as a profession. Writing and presentation started with the necessity related to my education and work, expanding further into helping out friends, relatives and colleagues express themselves well, and now I take it up as a profession as well. I have decades of experience in writing technical reports, papers, patents, project reports, marketing materials, training materials and so on, but since a few years I have rediscovered my love for creative writing as well. This includes content for web-sites, personal statements, blogs, journalistic articles, some poetry and so on. The international exposure to Europe, America and South and Far East Asia has only helped develop a very comprehensive view people's understanding.