I am an experienced developer with proficiency in Odoo with more than 5 Year of experience. Having Sound Grip on Odoo. and all Odoo versions since then ie Odoo 8, Odoo 9 and Odoo10, odoo 11, odoo12 (community/enterprise edition). i have developed several projects for manufacturing industries, polymer industries, transport companies, Casting industries, Automobile industries. Also worked on multiple projects in Odoo development as a freelancer. My skills: 1) Installation and Configuring Odoo on any linux system and vps. 2) New Module development and integration within system. 3) Data Migration. 4) Customization of existing reports / creating new pdf, excel, .doc reports. 5) E-commerce website with odoo. 6) payment gateway integration with odoo website. 7) responsive template designing using HTML5,js ,css and jquery.