Losing even a kilogram of body weight can be difficult and daunting, but Zheng Wanling is willing to lose far more than that for a good acting role.
Twenty-five kg — that's how much the veteran actress is willing to drop if a good role requires her to slim down, she said in an interview with Shin Min Daily News yesterday (July 3).
The 56-year-old said: "I will take on the challenge, I'm very brave!"
However, she also quickly caveated: "As soon as the filming is done, I'll start eating and return to my current body shape!"
Wanling was speaking to the Chinese daily while in South Africa visiting friends. She recently guest-starred in local English drama Sunny Side Up as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who is the old flame of Wang Yuqing's character.
She currently weighs about 75kg but when she was younger, she weighed around 43kg to 46kg and had a slim waist. When asked if she wants to return to her past appearance, she said more people like her when she's plump.
Fortunately, Wanling added cheekily, her heavy bones contribute to her weight so she doesn't actually look too big.
Aside from her aesthetic preference, she also explained another factor in her decision to stay on the chubbier side — convenience.
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She needs to keep her body warm in countries where seasonal climates are harsher than Singapore's. Particularly, in countries such as South Africa where she lived for 11 years, having body fat keeps her hands warm, Wanling explained.
Despite her nonchalance about body weight, she doesn't feel that being slim is easy to achieve and respects other local actresses for their ability to stay in shape many years after marriage.
وأشادت بشيانغ يون وأيلين تان وبان لينغلينغ، وقالت: "أهم شيء هو أنك سعيد!"
في الشهر الماضي ، وثقت الممثلة الصينية فان بينغبينغ نظاما غذائيا لتجنب الحبوب - المعروف أيضا باسم صيام بيجو - على شياو هونغ شو ، مما أدى إلى فقدانها 6.25 كجم في سبعة أيام.
على الرغم من أن بعض مستخدمي الإنترنت لاحظوا أنها بدت أنحف بعد ذلك ، إلا أن مستخدمين آخرين على Xiaohongshu أشاروا إلى أن صحتها لم تكن رائعة في اليوم الخامس - فقد "بدت ضعيفة" ، "لم يكن لديها قوة للتحدث" وكان لديها ردود فعل بطيئة.
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