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Total Feedback Received: 2


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    Urvisha did an outstanding job taking my current powerpoint presentation and doing a complete makeover. The new presentation is easier to follow and nicer to look at. Job well done! She completed ahead of agreed upon schedule with minimal changes required. I will use her again without question

    Freddie Deutsch (CEO) - Signature Bank of Georgia

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    Great designer, used her to help with an investor presentation in PPT and helped design and layout the entire story with graphics. Was receptive and open to feedback and would gladly recommend to anyone else

    Raj Mehta - Kilowatt Capital (VC)

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    Urvisha does great work! She designed a pitch deck for my energy company. Great communication throughout the project! She works daily and you can see her progress. She is very knowledgeable and did a great job on my project! I've worked in investment banking and finance for 10 years and she has bett

    er technical skills than just about any analyst or associate I've worked with. She definitely does institutional-quality work!

     ...Read More

    Kijana Mack (CIO) Ashton Global