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    “I had the pleasure of working with Kasia as part of a cross-functional team (…). Kasia was in the core of individuals evolving the idea and subsequently project managed [it] (…) over the course of several months. Her professional experience on ESG topics alongside her business acumen was invaluable

    during team discussions. Her leadership qualities as well as organisational skills kept everyone on track to deliver to deadlines and remain accountable. In addition, Kasia provided all of our stakeholders – senior leaders from across the firm – with tailored and regular updates on the project’s evolution, ensuring their support and managing their expectations.”

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    Anastasia Buyalskaya, Behavioural Finance and Deci

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    “Kasia brings a warmth to her client relationships that makes what can be unexciting tasks a genuine pleasure to complete. At the same time, she maintains an impeccable level of professionalism that reassures you nothing is being left to fortune. Striking the balance between rigor and relationship i

    s no mean feat. I’m sure she is appreciated just as much by her other clients, as she is by me.”

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    Justin Halewood, Asset Management, Group Property