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  • Database Administration
  • Database Design
  • Database Development
  • E Commerce
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • SQL
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Development
  • Web Hosting
  • WordPress


  • I will do SQL queries, database design,

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Are you seeking a proficient SQL database expert to tackle your data challenges? Look no further! I bring extensive experience as an SQL professional, ready to provide top-notch expertise and solutions...

    Database AdministrationDatabase DesignDatabase DevelopmentMicrosoft SQL ServerMySQL
  • I will design,edit,fix wordpress website

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Are you in search of a skilled website developer to craft a professional and captivating online presence for your business or brand? Your search ends here! I bring extensive experience as a WordPress...

    E CommerceUser Experience DesignWeb DevelopmentWeb HostingWordPress


We Design Dreams into Digital Reality.

Hello there! I am a dedicated developer, specializing in WordPress customization and web development. My journey in the tech industry has been marked by a commitment to crafting engaging and functional digital experiences. As a Microsoft Certified Professional, I bring a wealth of knowledge in Microsoft technologies, complemented by proficiency in web design, SQL, PHP, MySQL, and Microsoft Excel. My experience spans across various projects, each contributing to my growth as a developer. I am excited to bring my diverse skill set to your projects, creating digital solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Let's collaborate and elevate your online presence together!