Employer Freelancer

All About All-Time Transaction Data

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All-Time Transaction Data provides transparency between Employers and Freelancers to create a better work environment on Guru.

Understanding All-Time Transaction Data

All-Time Transaction Data is a compilation of a Freelancer’s work history on Guru. It includes the following:

  • All-time earnings – The total amount earned by the Freelancer from all the jobs successfully invoiced on Guru. The higher the all-time earnings, the more successful the Freelancer has been on Guru.
  • Earnings in the last 12 months – The total amount earned by the Freelancer in the last 12 months. This indicates the Freelancer’s recent activity on the platform.
  • Number of Employers worked for – The number of Employers the Freelancer has worked with on Guru till date. Working successfully with multiple Employers suggests the Freelancer can adapt easily to a variety of working relationships.
  • Total number of paid invoices – The number of times the Freelancer has been paid for various jobs on Guru.
  • Largest Employer – The highest total earnings a Freelancer has made from a single Employer. This indicates both the scale, and responsibility the Freelancer can deliver on.
  • Date of Joining Guru – How long the Freelancer has been a member of Guru. This puts the other transaction data in perspective.

Each time a Freelancer gets paid, the transaction details get added to their All-Time Transaction Data on Guru. Employers can filter Freelancers by their All-Time Transaction Data and also see it included in their profiles in the search results on the Find Freelancers page. This data is also shown in quotes that Employers receive.

Why have we introduced All-Time Transaction Data?

All-Time Transaction Data helps Employers get a better understanding of a Freelancer’s credibility and performance. It provides insights into their transaction volume, size, and scale of operation. All-Time transaction Data, along with information on their services and portfolio, helps Employers make the right hiring decision.

Now that All-Time Transaction Data is displayed, it also offers an opportunity for Freelancers to work more and get paid on Guru. A strong profile with impressive All-Time Transaction Data helps Freelancers attract larger Employers and bigger jobs on Guru.

Building transparency in more than one way

If the Freelancer has not yet been paid for a job on Guru, they will not have any All-Time Transaction Data. In this case, we display their ID verification status on the Find Freelancers page and in their quotes. This gives Freelancers more than one way to add credibility to their profile, and it gives Employers some assurance when working with a Freelancer who has no transaction data.


  1. I’m glad we’re now able to delete job “matches” that are of no interest to us. But, can we fix the tally that keeps showing up on the dashboard? This is part of how most of us keep track of leads and invites that need to be addressed. Presently, deleting a lead/match/invite does not remove the number from our dashboards.

    • Joe Wilson Reply

      Hi..We are working on this issue and will resolve it soon. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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