
Go Beyond Words In Your Job Proposals

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When you submit a job proposal, employers want to see what you can do for them. Because for employers, seeing is believing.

Now we’re making it even easier for you to make your proposals shine. Starting May 14, you’ll be able to attach Work Collections, in addition to files from your computer. Handpick work from your Guru portfolio to show you’re the best choice for the job.

Never again be overlooked. Enhance your proposals to get more of the jobs you want.

Sign in and set up your Work Collections today so you’re ready to send winning proposals come May!


  1. Atula Siriwardane Reply

    This is great…
    I love this feature.


  2. A.F.M.Tanvir Nabi Reply

    ‘Work Collections’ is a great way to draw the employers attention. It would work wonderfully.Thanks.

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