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Grant Writer Job Description

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Some organizations get funding through grants allocated by government departments, foundations, and trusts. To receive this, an application must be sent detailing the organization, its goals, and its plans to realize those goals. It seems simple, but as anyone who has struggled with how to write a grant proposal for a small business knows, putting together a grant proposal requires research, writing, and relationship-building. And with funding on the line, doing it halfheartedly isn’t an option. This is where a grant writer comes in. Grant writers take the responsibility of researching, drafting, and submitting proposals that help organizations or individuals receive grant funding.

What Is a Grant Writer?

A grant writer or grantmaker is responsible for finding funding opportunities for non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and small businesses. They scout for grants, draft proposals, and submit applications to help a firm earn money to realize its goals through different projects. They also build and maintain relationships between the organization and funders, donors, and others within the community.

How Much Do Grant Writers Charge?

Freelance grant writers for hire can charge anywhere from $20 to $150 per hour, depending on their experience and success in earning grants. Beginners charge between $20 to $35 an hour, while intermediate grant writers around $30 to $75 per hour. Expert grant writers with successful grants earned under their belt can charge up to $150 per hour.

For small projects, grant writers can charge a flat fee of $200 to $300.

What to Look for in a Grant Writer

Hiring a great grant writer will result in earning funding for your organization, so it’s essential to look for a qualified candidate to take on the responsibility. Here are some skills to look for in a grant writer:

Research Skills

Grant writers look for grants and funding options and are responsible for gathering application information such as requirements and deadlines. They must have good research skills to be able to find grants that align with the goals of the organization and ensure that the right processes and practices are followed.

Writing Ability

Grant proposals are written by grant writers under the supervision of relevant officials in the organization. It’s essential that they possess exceptional writing abilities, preferably with a great story-telling foundation. They should be able to effectively communicate the vision and objectives of the organization in a way that convinces grantors to fund them.

Organizational Skills

Grant writers deal with a lot of information, both coming from the organization and the grantors. They should have good organizational skills to be able to handle their workload so that they can submit accurate and comprehensive proposals before the application deadline.

Market Knowledge

A good grant writer must have knowledge of the funding market. This includes knowing where to find grants and which ones are relevant or applicable to the organization. He or she should maintain a strong network and be open to opportunities, be it social or educational, to expand this.

Communication Skills

More often than not, being a grant writer also means building and maintaining relationships between an organization and possible donors. Excellent communication skills go a long way in making sure these networks are sustained for possible collaborations in the future.

Additionally, grant writers need to gather information from within the organization to complete their proposals. Effectively communicating with people like executives, project managers, and relevant employees is essential to drafting a detailed proposal.

How to Find a Grant Writer

Usually, an organization or small business leaves the grant writing to a member of the team. After all, it makes sense for someone on the inside to write about the firm’s projects. But often, these organizations are small and don’t have enough bandwidth to carry out the tasks needed to propose grants. So they hire a grant writer.

You can easily find grant writers online through freelance platforms like Guru.com. Simply search “grant writer,” and you’ll receive thousands of candidates from all over the world to choose from. Read through the descriptions to vet qualifications and browse through different price ranges to find the one that fits your budget. It only takes a couple of clicks to hire a grant writer.


Grant writers have an immense responsibility to earn funding for an organization. Researching grants, drafting proposals, and building networks take months of work. And though it’s possible to do this with your existing team, outsourcing the job to a qualified grant writer is more advantageous. Having someone else focus on earning grants allows you and your team to focus on your primary tasks. And since a grant writer will have more experience in the field, he or she increases your chances of winning funding! 

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