
Freelancers: Tracking your Project Team’s Time

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Did you know you can track each Project Team member’s time in the Work Room? You and any Managers you have can view everyone’s hours worked at one glance. This is an easy way to monitor work being done on a project so you can keep team members on task.

Time Tracker also makes it easy to show your Employer what tasks are being completed and by whom, to avoid any disputes over billable hours.

What is Time Tracker?

Time Tracker automatically records time spent on projects and tasks, capturing screenshots randomly at ten minute intervals. If needed, Freelancers can make edits to the recordings by changing task descriptions and deleting non-essential activities. They can also manually add time spent working away from the computer.

Read more about Time Tracker on our blog: Time is money. Track it wisely.


  1. Pingback: Freelancers: Tracking your Project Team’s Time « Freelance Flux

  2. Hi, thank you for this post I agree with your point that Time Tracker also makes it easy to show your Employer what tasks are being completed and by whom, to avoid any disputes over billable hours. Time tracker is most important for an employee who is working from home.

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