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How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goals?

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Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) platform that shows ads on the search engine result pages (SERPs) of the most popular search engine. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches daily. Thus, Google Ads is one of the most successful methods of paid digital advertising. 

Since Google Ads live on actual SERPs, these ads have a staggering amount of reach. However, it’s not just the enormous market reach that makes Google Ads an effective tool for taking your business to the next level. It’s also the extensive pool of analytic tools that make using the platform easy, customizable, cost-effective, and effective PPC solution. Hiring a Google Ads specialist makes using this as a way to attain your goals even easier.  

Why Should I Use Google Ads?

If you’re not sure if Google Ads are worth it, there are a ton of benefits you should consider. How many times have you turned on Google when searching for information about services or products? Most consumers use Google to learn more about products and services, compare prices, and check customer reviews before contacting a business. 87% of consumers start their shopping journey with a digital search

Google Ads offers several benefits to freelancers and online advertisers; it works for both as a strategy for small business or large. Here are some ways you leverage Google Ads to advance your business goals.  

1. Reach the Right Audience

When you set up your first Google Ad, you must inform Google what your key objective is. For instance, maybe you’re looking to:

  • Bring potential customers to your website or a particular landing page
  • Boost call volume to your company
  • Direct more potential customers to your store

Next, You’ll need to specify if you’re catering to a local or global audience. If you’re looking to bring more visitors to your site, cast your advertising net across the globe. However, to stretch your advertising budget the furthest when directing prospects to a physical store location, it’s wise to narrow your targeting to a local audience.

2. Personalize the Method

Google Ads offers multiple types of ad campaigns to choose from. Each ad campaign type focuses on getting your message out there in a particular manner. Defining your objective and audience effectively can help you choose a suitable campaign type. 

Search Campaigns

These campaigns display your ad on the SERPs. This means that search campaigns display your ad on the results page once someone types a search term into their Google search bar. When Google users search for terms related to keywords that are part of your ad campaign, they’ll see your ad, which generates high-intent traffic for your ads.

Shopping Campaigns

These Ad campaigns display ads within Google’s shopping area. When Google users search for a term that aligns with keywords on your ad campaign, they’ll be presented with your shopping ad. Google also uses your product data to determine what images and text to serve based on a user’s behavior. Thus, there’s less manual work required from you because Google composes ads from the information on your product feed.

Video Campaigns

These ad campaigns use video ads on YouTube and other Google Display Network properties to advertise your business. Video ads are dynamic and they stand out from static text and imagery from other campaign types.

Display Campaigns

These campaign types display visual ads to people using products in the Google Display Network, such as YouTube and Gmail, and other Google partner sites across the web with display ad space.

App Campaigns

These campaigns display your ad on YouTube, Google search, Google Play, the Google Network Display, Google’s search partners, and a ton of other publishers that display app ads.

Discovery Campaigns

These campaigns display when people do a Google search on mobile devices. These ads leverage a combination of the dynamically selected text and imagery to offer a rich ad experience to a target audience.

Having the option to select the campaign type that’s perfect for your business and your needs allows Google Ads to accommodate users, and it’s part of what makes Google Ads so effective for PPC.

3. Reporting

Google Ads features excellent reporting tools. These tools help to identify which keywords are performing effectively and which aren’t, so you can adjust your ad campaign and get more value out of them. You’ll have access to how much you spent on ads, your total number of conversions, and your average revenue from conversions.

4. Budgeting

Google Ads are perfect for most budgets. The platform makes it easy for you to adjust your ad campaign around your advertising budget. For instance, you can set a weekly cap on your ad spending, which can adjust based on the information you receive. Google Ads even provide estimates for performance based on your budget, and recommendations based on what similar companies spend.

Further, when you launch your campaign, you get to set the budget and Google will automatically stop your campaign once you hit the budget. It’s imperative to note that the average return on ad spend on Google Ads is $2 for every $1 spent. Thus, it’s difficult for you to lose money on Google Ads campaigns.

Final Thoughts

To reap the maximum benefits off of Google Ads will depend on your advertising goals and how effectively you use the platform. For example, Google Ads may not be the best choice if you want to generate more conversions for your website. However, Google Ads works perfectly for selling products or services and building brand awareness, and is well worth the money.

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