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How Do ClickFunnels Work?

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Are you a business owner looking to optimize and automate your sales process from beginning to end? Do you want a marketing tool that allows you to market and sell your products automatically? A ClickFunnels expert is just what your business needs.

Since 2014, ClickFunnels have helped more than 25,000 businesses with more than 306,000 live websites. The company has grown exponentially since it was founded, growing from zero to $100 million in just three years! And for good reason—its platform and software have helped these businesses turn curious clicks into purchases and subscriptions. If you’re ready to take user engagement on your website to the next level, it’s time to hire a ClickFunnel expert.

What Are ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels come from a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that provides a website and sales funnel builder for businesses and entrepreneurs. ClickFunnels achieve the incredible feat of bringing all of your digital marketing needs into one place. This software is an online, all-in-one service that allows you to build a website, generate leads, make sales, and more.

A ClickFunnel itself is a series of landing pages that lead to a conversion event. A conversion event is a measurement of user interactions on your website; specifically, any action a user takes that is valuable to your business. One major example of this is a user subscribing to your services or making a purchase on your website. These pages are carefully designed to motivate site visitors to take the desired action.

How Do ClickFunnels Work?

The ClickFunnels software itself has all the tools you need integrated into one platform, using the marketing funnel model and tweaking it to turn user attraction into user action. This starts with tools that attract attention, interest, and desire, and ultimately lead to action (purchases, subscriptions, etc). You can build a sales funnel to help you generate traffic, integrate payment systems, collect advanced traffic analytics to retarget traffic, and even send follow-ups to users to encourage them to purchase your products or services.

ClickFunnels supply you with several templates and funnel types, including sales page funnels and event funnels. You can use these funnels (and more) to optimize your website’s use of blogs, network marketing, and even business-to-business (B2B) lead generation. That’s just the tip of the iceberg–ClickFunnel software allows you to manage everything to do with digital marketing and e-commerce, all on one platform.

ClickFunnels Versus Websites

Many often confuse ClickFunnels, landing pages, and websites. To understand the difference, it’s important to look at the intention and functionality of each.

What Is a Website?

A website is essentially a series of related web pages. For your e-commerce platform, this will typically include a list of products or services, contact information for your business, and maybe even a blog. 

It’s a digital representation of your business’s storefront, with the goal to attract customers and bring in traffic. When you click on a business’s website, you’ll likely land on the homepage first, where you can then navigate to other pages and posts.

How Is it Different From a ClickFunnel?

Recall that a ClickFunnel is a series of web pages that are designed to flow web traffic in a linear way. This starts from one point of entry, and takes users through a series of steps, guiding users to a specific goal or action. The landing page is just one singular webpage that has the same conversion intent. Unlike websites, ClickFunnels aren’t meant to attract more web traffic—they’re meant to process it.

Remember, the intention behind ClickFunnels is to guide site visitors on a buyer’s journey, encouraging them to take a specific direction. These ClickFunnels minimize any distractions, such as outbound links, and encourage the visitor to act. 

For example, think about the ‘cart’ option on your favorite clothing store’s website. When you click on the cart or basket icon, it routes you to a page containing the items you’ve put into your cart. This page typically does not have outbound links that would redirect you to elsewhere on the site. In fact, it may offer you deals or coupons, but the page itself is bare of anything that would tempt you away from the “checkout” button. This encourages you to take action, such as completing your purchase.

Hiring a ClickFunnels Expert

If you’re wondering if you can hire someone to create a ClickFunnel for your website, you’re in luck: Guru is the leading resource for connecting entrepreneurs and business owners with freelance ClickFunnels experts.

Rather than spending hours watching tutorials or attempting the trial-and-error method, save yourself time and hire an expert who can create effective funnels for your business. These experts know exactly how to optimize all of the complex features on the ClickFunnels platform and can cater to your unique needs. Check out our extensive list of ClickFunnels experts today and turn your site’s traffic into profit!

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