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How Much Do Grant Writers Charge?

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Grant writers are professionals that help organizations, such as non-profits, schools, and small businesses or start-ups, earn funding to realize their goals and projects. Their scope of work starts from researching potential grants that a firm can apply for, to drafting the actual proposal, to sending after-project reports about how the grant application performed. Grant writers charge between $20 to $150 per hour, depending on their experience and past success in earning grants; they typically work on a single project for anywhere from just a few weeks to multiple months.

What Is a Grant Writer?

Grant writers (also called grantmakers) are professionals whose expertise is how to write a grant proposal for a small business or organization. They work to find funding opportunities for non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and small businesses, and are responsible for scouting grants, drafting proposals, and submitting grant applications to assist a firm in earning money to support its projects, advocacies, and goals. They also often act as a bridge between firms and donors, building and maintaining sustainable relationships.

How Much Do Grant Writers Charge?

Grant writers for hire work from scouting potential grants, to sending after-project reports. The whole process can take weeks or months to accomplish, so grant writers typically charge by the hour. Expect to pay anywhere from $20 to 150 per hour (for up to 100 hours), depending on the experience and success rate of the candidate.

Beginner grant writers charge from $20 to $35 an hour, while intermediate ones charge between $30 to $75 an hour. Seasoned grant writers with success in earning grants (some also have experience in reviewing grants) can cost up to $150 per hour.

Grant writers may also charge a flat fee per project, depending on the size and scope of the proposal.

Responsibilities of a Grant Writer

A grant writer writes. But that doesn’t mean that his or her scope of work is limited to putting words on paper. It includes everything around and in between that primary task—all that it takes to complete and submit a grant proposal to ultimately earn it.

Researching Grants

Most grants come from government departments, private foundations, and large corporations. Each one is specific to a goal (e.g. eliminating poverty, saving animals, etc.) and is awarded based on the merit of advancing it.

Upon hiring and getting to know your firm, a grant writer will then begin to research potential grants that are relevant to your organization’s goals or projects. This includes confirming that visions are aligned, as well as knowing technical details such as requirements and deadlines for application.

Drafting Grant Proposals

A grant writer is responsible for drafting grant proposals and gathering the necessary paperwork needed to complete the application. This means researching and collecting information to add to the proposal, then presenting it in a way that will convince donors to fund the project, all while following specific requirements.

Building and Maintaining Relationships

Grant writers, particularly seasoned ones, often already have a network of donors they stay connected with. When hired, they may share these contacts with you, helping you build relationships with potential funders and maintain these for future projects. The network that comes with a skilled grant writer is invaluable.

Organizing Grant-Related Tasks

There are several internal tasks related to grant writing, including collaborating with relevant team members to get numbers, budgets, and other collateral needed to submit the proposal. You can help out in this regard by assigning a dedicated person to assist them, but the responsibility of making sure that all necessary information and paperwork needed is accurate, up-to-date, and complete falls on the grant writer.

Staying Up-to-Date With the Market

A good grant writer keeps up-to-date with the market. They seek educational and social opportunities to advance their knowledge or expand their network, and they’re always in the know when it comes to new funding options.

How to Find a Grant Writer

A quick job post can help you find a qualified grant writer. But taking more traditional routes might limit your choices while burning your budget. Instead, a better way to seek a grant writer is through online freelance platforms like Guru.com. Here, you’ll find candidates from all over the world with different ranges of experience, and who can work in a variety of budgets.

Simply search “grant writer,” read through their descriptions, and offer the job to someone you believe is the right fit for your company, needs, and goals. With just a few clicks, you can have them start working on winning grants for your business or foundation!


Many organizations and businesses leave grant writing tasks to a member of the team. But for many small firms, that means stretching what little human capital you have very thinly, resulting in badly prepared proposals that won’t help you earn funding. Entrusting the task to a grant writer will allow you and your team to focus on their primary tasks. And with the expertise and experience of a grant writer, you have higher chances of earning funding at the same time!

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