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How Much Does It Cost to Hire a PPC Expert?

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As far as digital marketing campaigns go, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is among the most effective strategies. It involves putting a business’s ads in key placements online and, as its name suggests, the company pays each time someone clicks on the material. 

It may seem simple enough, but launching a successful PPC campaign takes a lot of work, which is why many brands opt to hire a PPC expert for the job. The cost to hire a PPC specialist varies, and you can expect to pay anywhere between $350 to $5,000 for a month’s worth of work. 

It’s a worthwhile investment, especially if you know how to hire a PPC manager that matches your style and objectives. Their expertise can guarantee significant returns that can positively affect your brand.

What Services Does a PPC Expert Offer?

A PPC expert can offer a wide range of services, but typically, their job focuses on three main tasks: strategy building, campaign deployment, and data analytics and reporting. 

Strategy Building

Most PPC experts are hired to build campaign strategies for their clients. They study your business and understand your goals, then create a plan that’s tailored to what you want to get out of PPC marketing. This task may also involve educating you on PPC best practices and keeping you updated with related ad trends.

Campaign Deployment

PPC experts are often given the responsibility to execute planned PPC strategies, which may involve everything from researching keywords and creating marketing materials to distributing the content on PPC service providers. They may also be tasked to manage the ad budget, including allocating for different deployments.

If you already have PPC campaigns in place, you can also hire a PPC expert to evaluate what you’re doing and recommend certain improvements.

Data Analytics and Reporting

The job of a PPC expert doesn’t end when the ads are published. They also usually gather data and derive insights from analytics, which are then reported to stakeholders or used to launch better marketing campaigns in the future.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a PPC Expert?

The cost to hire a PPC expert depends on multiple factors, particularly the specialist’s experience and expertise, the keyword competition of your campaign, the type and number of PPC ads you’re launching, the number of platforms you want to be placed in, and the level of quality you want your ads to be.

With that in mind, you can expect to pay roughly $350 to $5,000 per month for their services. This is on top of the price of the campaigns themselves, with ad spends ranging from $300 to over $100 million per month, depending on the size of your business and the scale that you want to run your ads.

How Does a PPC Expert Charge?

PPC experts charge using one of three fee structures: a flat fee, a percentage, or performance-based payment. 

Flat Fee

With the flat fee scheme, you only pay a one-time price per month, which gives you a certain predictability with your spending. This fee often depends on your lifetime budget–the higher it is, the more expensive your monthly payments will likely be.


Some PPC experts charge a percentage of your ad spend, typically between 10% to 20%. It works similarly to the commission model, with the percentage going down the more you spend. For example, if your budget is only $5,000, the monthly fee could be 20%. But if your campaign spend reaches $100,000, your PPC specialist may only charge as low as 5%.


Performance-based pricing requires you to pay only based on the number of leads that a PPC expert can bring in. It might sound like a fair deal, but it’s best to be wary of these schemes as you may end up with sub-par campaigns that you’ll still have to shell out money for.

Hire a Value-For-Money Freelance PPC Expert on Guru

PPC marketing is a great way for businesses with an online presence to reach their target market–but for many small companies, it can be daunting to think of the extra spending that comes with it. 

Fortunately, many freelance PPC experts on Guru can work with various budgets; these freelancers can promise great results, even at low costs. Find and employ value-for-money freelance PPC experts on Guru–one of the best online freelance marketplaces online–today!

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