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How to Hire Voice Actors

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Voice isn’t the only thing you have to think about when you hire a voice-over artist, and you must know how to choose voice-over artists for audio so that you end up with a talent that can deliver on the goals you’ve set out for your media project. 

You have to consider how they’ll fit your brand, material, and audience, and if they have the required skills and capabilities to work in a way that fits what your business needs. You also want to ensure that you’re hiring a professional who can promise high-quality work at fair rates—which you can do by using Guru, one of the best online freelance marketplaces.

What to Consider When Hiring Voice Actors

When hiring a voice actor, you also have to keep in mind your internal requirements–specifically, your business’s branding and your project’s target audience and subject matter. These details will help you pick out the right talent for the job:


Your business’s branding should also come out in the voice actor that you hire. You want to ensure that they match the feel and personality of your company so that the project seamlessly fits with your other media.

Target Audience

Your voice actor should be relatable to your target audience. This way, the message he or she relays resonates with a better impact. Seek a voice actor that’s similar or relevant to your market.

Subject Matter

Consider what your project is all about and find a voice actor that’s suited for your subject matter. For example, if you’re making an advertisement, seek a voice actor that’s commercial but enticing; if you’re creating a documentary or educational piece, find someone who sounds authoritative; if you’re recording a children’s audiobook, look for a talent that can be bubbly and engaging.

What to Look For in a Voice Actor

Once you’ve started your search for a voice actor, preferably from a trusted freelance site like Guru, then it’s time to check out the talent and skills of your potential hires. Here’s what you should keep an eye (or ear!) out for:

Quality of Voice

Firstly, consider the gender of your voice actor, then dive deep into their tone and the quality of their voice. Do you want a manly baritone or a soft female voice? Do you want their voice to be clean or will it be better with a bit of a rasp or character? These details will greatly affect how the sound of the voice-over will go, so it’s best to be specific in the details.

Character Range

If you’re hiring a voice actor who must play different characters, you have to think about their range, as well. See how versatile their abilities are and if they have the skills needed to switch tones and personalities depending on the requirements at hand.


You don’t want to end up with a voice-over that people won’t end up understanding. Check for your voice actor’s articulation and enunciation, making sure that they can clearly say what you want them to say. Pay attention to their pacing, as well.

Production Skills

Some voice actors are trained to record and produce on their own, and this can be extra handy for a small business that doesn’t have access to the necessary tools and technical know-how to do it. If you need it, find a voice actor who can deliver the whole package.

Tips for Hiring Voice Actors

Here are a few more tips to help you hire the right voice actor for your project:

Get Recommendations

Recommendations are a good starting point when hiring for any job because these suggestions will come from the experience of people you know. If you can’t find any recommendations, then head to Guru to find verified professionals, and check their reviews to find the best talent.

Listen to Demos

Most voice actors provide demos that can give you a better idea of their vocal quality and range, as well as the types of projects they’ve worked on before. Don’t overlook these so that you can better determine if a potential hire is a fit for your project.

Be Mindful of Your Budget

The cost of hiring a voice actor varies greatly, and their bills are typically buildable—they go up depending on factors like length, additional services, revisions, etc. Set a budget and ask for a quote to make sure that you won’t pay more than you expect when the deal’s over.

Hire Freelance Voice Actors From Guru

If you need to hire a freelance voice actor but don’t know how to get started, hop onto Guru to find verified professional voice actors that can give you high-quality results at reasonable prices. Find the right voice actor for you on Guru today.

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