Employer Resources

How to Use Bots in Discord

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The world of business is changing rapidly, thanks to emerging technologies. These technologies have enabled businesses to reengineer and enhance their operations so that they can stay one step ahead of their competition. Therefore, if you want to survive in today’s business, you have to embrace the new technologies and incorporate them into your everyday operations.

One of these inventions is the use of bots to enhance your digital interactions with your customers and leads. With Discord, you can develop highly effective bots that will improve how you interact with your customers on various digital platforms–but to achieve this, you’ll need to hire a Discord bot developer. Fortunately, you can now find highly qualified freelance Discord bot developers on Guru, a reputable freelancer hiring site.

Before you hire any developer for your Discord bots, though, you need to be familiar with Discord and its workings. For instance, you should understand how to use bots in Discord so that you can come up with the right questions for your interviewees. The other important questions to address are: What is a Discord bot, and how can it improve your business operations?

What Is a Discord Bot?   

A Discord bot is an artificial intelligence system that is commonly used by marketers and business owners to automate different functions on their servers. These bots have become very popular among startups, especially those who specialize in SaaS; they’ve turned out to be the most effective and valuable elements of digital communication.

Discord bots are now available in various languages to help international businesses interact with their customers from different locations. With Discord bots, you’re able to create a large and dedicated community of clients globally. These bots will give every member of your community a sense of uniqueness because they can have their concerns addressed immediately, without having to wait in line for hours.

Discord bots will help you to build trust in your customers because they guarantee them helpful answers to all their queries. Furthermore, they answer their questions and concerns in real-time, which is typically not possible when you are using other forms of communication like phone calls and emails.

Additionally, a Discord bot will enable you to share useful tips with your customers, carry out live events, and share any other necessary information with the members of your community without exposing sensitive data to unauthorized members. This makes members of your community feel special because they believe they’re getting exclusive details about your business that they can’t find anywhere else.

This also means that the members of your business community will be willing to pay more for the exclusivity. A Discord bot will also help you to lower the cost of running your business by performing important tasks such as onboarding new members, banning unauthorized users, moderating interactions between users, and more. Ordinarily, these tasks are performed by customer support agents, who must be paid a monthly salary and other benefits. With Discord bots, you can eliminate these expenses.

How to Add Bots to Discord

As noted above, bots are AI programs that can be added to your server to automate certain functions. Discord, on the other hand, is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and instant messaging platform that allows users to communicate with each other through video calls, texts, voice calls, and media and files through private chats. This communication can also occur in communities commonly referred to as “servers.”

It’s now possible to add bots to your Discord servers and messaging platforms, but this process requires a bit of coding. Therefore, you’ll need the services of a Discord developer. Before you hire any developer for this task, however, make sure they know how to create bots that are compatible with Discord. They also have to be trustworthy because you’ll permit them to access your Discord server as an administrator.

You must be an admin on the Discord server to be able to add bots. Allowing the developer to log in as an administrator means you’re giving them full access to your server–therefore, you need to vet them thoroughly to make sure they’re honest.  

When it comes to adding bots to your Discord server, you’ll simply click the ‘Add to Discord’ button. You’ll then be required to provide your Discord login details for authentication. Click the ‘Setup’ button and select your server in the popup dialog. Click ‘Continue’ and then choose the permissions you wish to grant the bot. Click the ‘Authorize’ button to complete.

This process is quite straightforward, especially if you’re adding pre-developed bots, but it can be quite a challenge if you’re developing your own bots from scratch. This is where your Discord bot programmer will come in handy, and Guru has you covered with plenty of professional and experienced freelance bot developers ready to help you every step along the way!

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