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How to Use Influencer Marketing on Instagram

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Instagram is undoubtedly one of the best platforms to do influencer marketing in. The social media site is ripe with content creators with huge loyal followings; the format in which images and videos are posted is conducive for maximum reach and engagement. However, this doesn’t mean that having an influencer share your brand is enough to reach your marketing goals. To successfully employ influencer marketing on Instagram, you must follow a strategy that considers the right freelance influencer marketing plan, the best campaign, and a defined set of goals and key performance indicators (KPIs).

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that happens between a brand and an influencer. An influencer is an individual or group with a large following that considers them an expert or a trustworthy resource in their niche community. The brand employs the influencer, often for a rate defined per post or in exchange for free products or services, to post about the business.

Is influencer marketing effective? Yes, it is–and this is because people are more likely to convert from recommendations from influencers versus traditional advertising, primarily because there’s a different level of trust that they afford to the former.

Why Use Instagram for Influencer Marketing

Though Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok are great platforms to use influencer marketing on, Instagram offers a unique proposition that makes it the most conducive for successful campaigns. Here are some reasons why you should use Instagram for influencer marketing:

Engaged User Base

Instagram has more than two billion active users, and while this isn’t as much as Facebook, Instagram’s users are much more engaged, so it leads in terms of interaction rate compared to other platforms. This is significant because it translates to a higher return on investment (ROI) for brands. Additionally, Instagram is a strong driver for organic traffic, which helps brands naturally reach their target customer base.

Personal Content

Instagram’s algorithm and interface make it conducive for tapping into niche markets and engaging them with content that’s relevant to them. As a result, brands that use Instagram for influencer marketing can more effectively win in their campaigns.

Feature Success

A majority of high-performing Instagram posts are actually borne out of influencer marketing, which says a lot about how users of the platform respond to these types of posts. They’re more receptive and accepting of them, which makes it a better platform for conversions.

How to Do Influencer Marketing on Instagram

Behind every successful influencer marketing campaign on Instagram is a well-thought-of strategy. Here are some tips to help you do influencer marketing effectively on Instagram:

Set Clear Goals and KPIs

What do you want out of your influencer marketing campaign? Answering this question will help you determine key aspects of your strategy, including which influencer to hire, what campaign to run, and what metrics to track. It’s important to know these details early on so that you can communicate these to the relevant parties.

Find the Right Influencer

Finding an influencer who best fits your campaign is the most crucial step in Instagram influencer marketing. You want to find someone relevant both to your brand and your audience who can communicate your message clearly through their content.

Craft a Campaign

Work with your chosen influencer to craft the best campaign for your goals. While you may have great ideas, you must remember that the content will ultimately come from your influencer, and they’ll have a better idea of the type of content that will resonate with their audience.

Track and Optimize

Once your campaign is up and running, track its performance and optimize it wherever you can. Discuss the results with your collaborators to check if your goals have been reached and what you can do to improve them for next time.

Hire an Influencer Marketer for Instagram on Guru

Influencer marketing on Instagram is a great way for brands to connect to their target audiences in a more organic and personalized way. To get started on your own campaign, hire a freelance influencer marketer on Guru–our freelancer hiring platform makes it easy for business owners and brands to connect with the right professionals who can deliver high-quality work for a fair price. 

Simply upload a job post to get free quotes from interested freelancers, or take a look through Guru’s search page to find the best influencer for you and your brand!

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