
Keep Your Next Quote From Being Overlooked

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You found a freelance job that fits you perfectly, and you submitted a killer quote. High five! But wait… did you know that your profile could keep your quote from being seen?

Employers can now filter and sort the quotes they receive to view only the best matches for their jobs. How well you match a job will be determined based on the information found in your profile, not your quote.

It doesn’t matter how well-crafted your quote is if your profile doesn’t back it up! Take steps today to keep from being overlooked:

    1. Tag your services and work collections with the required skills from the job posting.
    2. Update your address so the correct location shows on your profile.
    3. Boost your reputation by asking happy clients to provide feedback on your work.
    4. Continuously work on improving your TMS.

Add as much relevant content to your profile as you can before applying to a job. Don’t stop until you can stand back and say yes, I would hire me.


  1. Hi Anna, Thanks for letting us know, in my case i use most of the time to look for jobs and not to offer jobs, this means that tricks like this could be taken into consideration by me and other freelancers by me as a great asset to be more visible by our potential projects and clients. Thanks a lot

  2. Hi Anna!

    What if we have already submitted our quote and then go back in and update our profile? Will the system automatically update how it ranks us and presents us to potential clients for those projects we had previously bid? Thanks.

  3. Bonne Marque Reply

    Thank you for these tips. If I don’t tag my work collections in the proposal does the client still get a link to my profile page?

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