
A Quick Way to Duplicate Miscellaneous Invoices

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We’ve been working hard on continuing to improve our invoicing system. Earlier in the summer we announced greater billing flexibility. Now you’ll notice that you can reload a prior miscellaneous invoice when creating a new miscellaneous invoice for the same job. Generally you will create a miscellaneous invoice only when you don’t have an agreement in place or if the work you performed was outside the scope of your agreement.

To see this new feature in action, select a previous invoice from the dropdown in the upper right corner of the Create Invoice page. You can then make any changes or additions you want before sending it to your employer.

Do you have suggestions or feedback? We’d love to hear! Please feel free to comment below.


  1. Thank you for the new developments that you have made on the site. I think it would be beneficial to have a way that clients and writers can chat live. This would do away with the delays that are seen in receiving messages from either end. Moreover, some clients get worked up when a writer fails to reply a message yet the writer was offline when the client was sending the message. Please consider having a live chat platform. It is beneficial. Thank you.

    • Anna Bassham Reply

      James, thanks for your input! We will consider your suggestions as we continue to improve our platform.

  2. Carlo Nebo Reply

    Thanks for the update. I’m a new member on here, and one of the things I did was to look for the sites app, and I couldn’t find any. Is there going to be one someday?.


    • Anna Bassham Reply

      It is definitely in our plans, but no official release date has been set. We’ll send out a message once the date is closer!

  3. Lee Caleca Reply

    I disagree with having a live chat option. People are always in an immediate hurry. If someone is not online to chat, clients will become even more anxious. If two people are online, IM is fast enough. Don’t subject us to actually having to talk to clients at their beck and call, too.

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