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SharePoint Development Cost

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The cost of developing a SharePoint website varies greatly, depending on several factors like the scope of work and the type of SharePoint developer you hire. Generally, though, your SharePoint development project is likely to cost between $10,000 and $150,000.

Factors that Determine the SharePoint Development Cost

It’s important to understand the main factors that determine the overall cost of a SharePoint development project so that you can make accurate budget estimates before you hire SharePoint programmers.

Type of SharePoint Developers You Hire

What are the skills required for SharePoint developers? Your SharePoint developer must be fully experienced in SharePoint development processes. Of course, such developers charge higher rates than novices in the industry. 

You need to hire SharePoint developers who have a deep understanding of the SharePoint platform and its related tools. They should be fully proficient in this platform, its out-of-the-box features, and all applicable third-party technologies. Developers with years of experience and expertise charge higher rates, but you don’t need to sacrifice quality to stick to your budget.

You should also consider hiring a freelance developer instead of an on-premise developer because a freelancer will help you to reduce the overall cost of your project. A freelance developer will not require you to set up and maintain an expensive office for them because they can work from anywhere in the world, as long as they’re connected to the internet!

Fortunately, Guru has a vast pool of highly qualified and experienced freelance SharePoint developers for hire that you can work with. These freelancers offer competitive rates as a way of enticing more clients to hire them, so you can rest assured that you’ll be able to find good developers at a pocket-friendly cost.

Scope of Work

A more complex SharePoint development project costs more than a simple one. So, expect to pay a bit more if your project involves more complex configurations and coding. Because the point of developing a SharePoint website is to streamline your workflows and achieve specific business objectives, you’ll need to hire a developer with experience in creating complex configurations using out-of-the-box features and programming languages.

This, combined with the skill set listed above, is what results in a higher cost for SharePoint development. These configurations typically cost anywhere between $10,000 and $100,000.

Furthermore, if you run a large organization with complex networks and collaborations, you’ll need an intricate SharePoint document storage and management platform. This will cost you more than a small enterprise that has a few data sharing and management challenges.

In-House Versus Online SharePoint Services

Whether your developer works on-site or remote will have a major impact on the overall cost of your project, as your choice will either reduce or increase overall costs significantly. For instance, if you decide to go with an in-house SharePoint platform, you’ll need to buy and install servers, SharePoint software, and other expensive equipment.

An on-site platform also requires you to obtain a client access license (CAL) for every user; if you’re leasing several servers, you’re likely to spend between $250 and $500 on each server per month. Of course, purchasing your own servers isn’t exactly cheap, either–these servers typically run $10,000 a piece. 

Each CAL costs between $100 and $125, and SharePoint installation services generally cost $7,000 per server. To install one server, combine the cost of the installation with the cost of the server, and you’re already spending $17,000. Then, you have to factor in the cost of maintaining these servers and other hardware installations. 

With SharePoint cloud services, however, you won’t have to incur these costs–your main expense will be a subscription fee for SharePoint Office 365. The monthly cost of this software is between $12 and $15 for a standard business enterprise license. 

If you only purchase a SharePoint Online plan, you’ll pay between $5 and $10 per month. For a mid-sized business with twenty to fifty employees, you’ll pay between $300 and $750 a month for Office 365, excluding the upfront costs incurred with an on-site service.

In Summary

The average cost of a SharePoint development project for a mid-sized business can range between $10,000 and $150,000. If you own an enterprise, this will cost you more than $150,000, depending on the factors listed above. 

Looking for a budget-friendly option? Browse Guru’s collection of hundreds of freelance SharePoint developers to take your business to the next level!

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