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Shopify for a Service Business

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The name “Shopify” has become a household name, especially among online vendors and shoppers. If you type anything related to eCommerce into your browser right now, you’ll come across the term “Shopify.” But what exactly is Shopify and why should you choose it over other platforms? Also, do you need an LLC for Shopify? And can you use Shopify for a service business? This article will answer these and other related concerns. 

What Is Shopify?

In its simplest form, Shopify is software designed to help you create an online store and sell your items. But it’s worth noting that this software isn’t just an online store builder or a platform for selling products. Rather, it’s a business platform to help launch your business and start selling products quickly and easily.

Although this store builder has been simplified to help starters and amateurs build their own stores, it’s good to involve qualified and experienced Shopify developers if you want a professional and successful site. Fortunately, many qualified freelance developers can be found via online freelance services here at Guru to help you to build your online store using Shopify. 

Can You Sell Services on Shopify?

The answer is, “yes you can.” For a long time, some people believed that Shopify was a product-based platform. But nothing can be farther from the truth. You can sell almost anything on Shopify, including physical products, virtual products, and services. Shopify’s main purpose is to launch your business on the web to allow you to reach more customers and make more sales.

Currently, there are numerous freelance service marketplaces, like Guru, where professionals like copywriters, accountants, designers, developers, marketers, among others market their services and earn money as freelancers on the sites. These sites are a perfect example of how Shopify works for service businesses. However, you can have your own website for your freelance services that will allow you to offer more professional services and build your brand. This is where Shopify comes in handy.

Best Services to Sell on Shopify

Since you can sell virtually anything on Shopify, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have an online store. Therefore, if you want to build a bigger clientele base for your services, you can take your brand online by creating a Shopify store. Here are some of the services you can sell on Shopify:

  • Consultancy: This includes a variety of industries, including finance, law, health, education, among others.
  • Online classes: Many people plan to take short courses in their free time and find online classes quite useful. 
  • Appointment booking: Most services businesses like hair salons, medical clinics, tattoo parlors, etc. are now booking their appointments online. 
  • Home services: This includes services such as cleaning, pet grooming, and gardening, among others.
  • IT services: The information technology industry involves many services including web and software design, content creation, cloud services, networking, help desk support, computer training, etc.  

Tips for Selling Services on Shopify

If you are trying to sell your services for the first time, here are the three main steps you should follow when selling your services on Shopify.

Choose the Services You Want to Sell

Start by deciding what service you want to offer and the type of customers you want to target. This is important because it determines the type of Shopify store to create and how to package your store on the web for maximum visibility. The type of service you sell will also determine the layout of your site, rates, and appointment times. You also have to choose a Shopify developer with experience in building a site that matches your services and preferences.

Install Shopify

Although Shopify offers a variety of editable templates that you can use to create your store quickly, sometimes you will require customized add-ons that are not provided in the templates. That’s why you need a qualified and experienced Shopify developer to help you customize your store. The Shopify App Store also has numerous tools that your developer can use to build your store from scratch, especially if you want it to stand out from the rest. Make sure the theme of your store is in keeping with your brand’s image and the service you offer.

Add Your Services

Adding services to your Shopify store is a quick and easy process. You can either hire an experienced Shopify expert to add the products for you, or do it all yourself. Just go to your store’s dashboard, open the Products tab, and click on Add products. Remember to save the products once you’ve added them.

Lastly, more vendors and professionals now understand the importance of streamlining their businesses by maintaining an active online presence. That’s why most of them are turning to Shopify to create online stores. You can also make your service business global by creating a Shopify store.

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