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The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Thai Translator

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Sitting at just over 1.3 billion speakers, English is undoubtedly the most popular language in the world. But the reality is the majority of people use it as a second language. And as a result, they are likely to be more responsive if you communicate with them in their native language. If you’re thinking of visiting Thailand or starting a business in the South-East Asian country, now is a good time to invest in a quality Thai Translator for hire. Such a person will help tear down the imminent linguistic barriers, immediately resulting in better communication. While hiring a Thai translator is deemed a worthy investment, we must point out that such a service also has its drawbacks.

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of Thai translators? As previously highlighted, the pros include anything from encouraging effective communication between different parties involved, to the interpretation of documents, and even the strengthening of business relations. The downsides may include high costs, long turnaround time, and compromised accuracy if you land a substandard Thai translator. Let’s discuss these factors in detail so that you get the full picture and know what you’re getting into.

Advantages of Thai Translation Services

We wouldn’t be reaching if we said that Thai translation is an extremely welcome and useful service when conducting business in the country. While English is very popular, not everyone speaks it. That alone can hold your business back and prevent you from accessing a niche of customers in the Asian country. But that’s where a Thai translator comes in hand. They can break down the communication barrier and fuel the spreading of ideas, information, and knowledge to the intended market.  Not only will you have a more receptive market to work with, but this, in turn, helps strengthen relations. Plus, you get to reach a wider audience. 

A Thai translator is also excellent to have on hand if you need documents translated from English to Thai or vice versa. Maybe you’re looking to apply for a marriage visa and would like your marriage certificate translated. Or, maybe you need medical, engineering, or legal files translated. A Thai translator is better equipped to handle the task and help create a common understanding between the parties involved. Even if you’re simply taking a vacation in Bangkok, you might need clarity on brochures and items like related travel terms & conditions agreements. Of course, you’d need to familiarize yourself with the average cost of Thai translation services before hiring someone, since the final amount you’ll pay depends on several factors. 

Disadvantages of a Thai Translator

The whole point of engaging the services of a Thai translator is so that any communication barriers stopping you from fulfilling your goal in Thailand are eliminated. But things can quickly go south if you hire the wrong agency or person for the job. Where clarity on certain matters is required, a poor quality translation results in compromised accuracy, thereby distorting the intended message. As a result, you may fail to get your message across. And in the case of a business, distorted information can result in strained business relations, which can ultimately affect your reputation in a negative manner.

Also, there’s the cost factor. Thai translators don’t work for free. And the best ones certainly don’t come cheap. Settling for a mediocre translator not only compromises the translation work quality but can very well be a costly decision altogether. If you fail to get your message across, you may need to hire another Thai translator, to fix the first one’s errors, costing you more money in the long run. Then there’s the delivery time factor. Depending on the translator’s expertise, it may take them longer than necessary to complete the task. If revisions are part of the deal, then you’re looking at an even longer delivery time frame. 

How to Pick the Best Thai Translator

At the end of the day, it all boils down to the type of translator you choose to work with. You’ll find a lot of Thai translators offering their services.  But the idea is to go with the translator who will give you a quality translation at an affordable price. So, it pays to do your due diligence before you hire one.

Hiring a renowned agency that specializes in hiring linguistic native experts will be to your advantage. In the same vein, pick a translator well versed with the type of work you need to be done. It won’t help you much to pick an inexperienced translator to work on a complex tech piece when they have zero knowledge of the work entailed. A person who’s previously handled the type of work you need to be translated is more beneficial than someone with no prior experience.

Also, pick someone familiar with the respective grammar rules and potential dialects the document requires. Such a person will significantly minimize the possibility of you having to get the work redone at an additional cost. Speaking of cost, it’s always wise to discuss the rates before any work is done. That way, you won’t be in for an unpleasant surprise when the translator hands you a hefty bill after the project is complete.


With cultural and language barriers posing a real threat to both business and general communication between two parties, translation services have become less of a luxury and more of a necessity. So, if you find yourself contemplating exploring Thailand, it would help if you consider having a Thai translator in your corner. Such a person will help you navigate the communication barriers resulting in effective communication with the intended parties. However, the downsides of hiring an inexperienced translator are disastrous. Such a move may compromise your business, prohibit you from penetrating the market, or stop you from reaching your intended goal. Your best bet is to hire an experienced Thai translator familiar with the type of work you need translated in order to cut down on any inaccuracies that might distort the meaning of the intended message. 

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