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The Advantages and Disadvantages of AngularJS

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You’ve got a simple web application in mind. It’s nothing fancy, but there are a lot of specific functionalities that you think will bring the best experience to your customers. But how do you even start building it? 

A lot of people will recommend using AngularJS. After all, it comes with its own sets of advantages, such as two-way data binding, fast development and prototyping, and the use of directives. While there are disadvantages, they mostly come from AngularJS’s complicated nature. And if this difficulty leads to time-consuming or complex projects, you can always plan to hire Angular developers!

What Is AngularJS?

AngularJS is an open-source framework designed to quickly build high-performance MVC-based web applications, all through a generally low-maintenance process thanks to its data binding and dependency injection features. It allows you to use HTML as your template language, extending the syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly. It also all happens within the browser, so it works with any server technology.

Several web applications, such as video streaming sites, review platforms, social media, e-commerce, and travel and weather apps, use AngularJS.

Key Features of AngularJS

AngularJS is one of the most widely used frameworks for building applications. Have you ever wondered, “What does an Angular developer do?” This list of features can give you an idea of the technical items they encounter and develop:

  • MVC Architecture
  • Two-Way-Binding
  • Directives
  • Modules
  • Filters
  • Testing
  • Events

Advantages of AngularJS

One of the most significant advantages of AngularJS is its simplicity, which makes it easy to use to build rich web applications. It also has features that make it ideal for creating specific types of sites with certain functionalities. Here’s a breakdown of some advantages of AngularJS.

Google Maintains it

Google engineers developed and continue to maintain AngularJS. So, you can be sure that it’s robust and reliable. Plus, you have a huge community backing you up and inspiring you to learn, and they’re ready to help you tackle challenges along the way.

Easy Start-up

Starting with AngularJS is very easy. You can add a few attributes to your HTML and build a simple AngularJS app in just a few minutes.

Fast Development and Prototyping

AngularJS saves you a lot of time, effort, and resources because it significantly reduces the amount of code you need to write, which means that prototyping is faster, so you can quickly implement changes or test functionality before release. 

Two-Way Data Binding

Two-way data binding is possible in AngularJS, so you can create templates and make changes much faster. With this feature, any changes made to “Model” are implemented in “View,” meaning it translates to the user interface.

It’s good to note that the MVVM and MVC architectures used in AngularJS are also advantages in themselves!

Improved Server Performance and Faster Responsive

Since AngularJS serves only static files and directly responds to API, it lessens the load on server performance, resulting in faster and more responsive applications with smoother navigation.


AngularJS allows developers to build highly testable products, making testing and debugging extremely easy. You can use Dependency Injection to isolate and simulate various components; plus, you no longer have to look for dependencies (or make them yourself).


Directives are a favorite AngularJS feature of many developers since it gives them the freedom to build their custom designs and functionalities instead of relying on predefined ones. You can also use it to repeat specific functions or create independent code, plus it keeps HTML pages organized and uncluttered.

Plain HTML Templates 

AngularJS uses plain HTML templates containing certain elements and attributes from the framework, making it easier for developers to manipulate a smoother workflow. Developers can also reuse these templates multiple times.

Disadvantages of AngularJS

Though AngularJS is a great framework and one that’s used by many developers worldwide, it does have its downfalls. Here are some disadvantages you may find when using it.

Mandatory Javascript

Not all hardware supports JavaScript, especially older computers, which limits the reach of an AngularJS page since it requires proper software and hardware to work. That means that you might potentially lose a chunk of clientele who can’t access your application.

AngularJS-Specific Libraries

AngularJS has limitations if you don’t use tools or libraries specific to the framework, which can add more time and workload for a developer to handle.

Steep Learning Curve

As a business owner or self-made entrepreneur, you might be looking into building your application using AngularJS. But the learning curve for it is steep, and it often requires the help of a professional who’s an expert on the framework to get right.

Performance Glitches

When an AngularJS app experiences too much traffic or dynamics, it might undergo some lags or performance glitches. Buggy behavior can be a turn-off for potential users and customers, which is especially disadvantageous if you’re a type of business that needs to handle a lot of data at a time.

I Want to Build an App Using AngularJS—Now What?

Unless you’re an expert, your best bet in building an application using AngularJS is to hire an AngularJS developer. Using a professional ensures that you have a dedicated person who knows the ins and outs of the framework building the app you want with the functionalities you need, fully reaping the advantages (and minimizing the disadvantages) of AngularJS.

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