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What Makes an Essay Good?

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Need to write an essay and not sure where to start? Maybe you have a great idea but don’t know how to structure it correctly. In any case, hiring a freelance essay writer can help. But what makes an essay good? Let’s take a closer look.

Components of a Good Essay

There are three main components of an effective essay: structure, content, and style. Let’s look at each one in further detail.


The most important thing when it comes to structuring an essay is having a clear and logical argument. This means that your essay should have a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning should introduce the topic and include your thesis statement, the middle should be the main body of the essay in which you develop your argument, and the end should conclude the essay and restate your thesis statement.

When writing the body of your essay, it’s important to be mindful of how you create paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph. The rest of the paragraph should be used to develop that point further. Be sure to remember to always connect your paragraphs back to your thesis concept.


Both the information you include and how you present it make up the content of an essay. When it comes to the information you include, it should be relevant and interesting. The way you present it is also important–this means making sure that your argument flows smoothly and that your writing is clear and concise. When choosing what kind of content to add, you will need to understand the essay type you are writing.  Adequate research will help you deepen your understanding of the essay type and the kind of content you will need to write it. 


The last thing that makes an essay good is style, which includes both the tone of your writing and the way you format your essay. The tone of your writing should be professional and academic, and the way you format your essay should be consistent throughout.

If you can focus on getting all of these three elements right, then you will be well on your way to writing a great essay. In addition, hiring a freelance essay writer can help you with all of these aspects. An adept essay writer will know how to structure an essay correctly, what content to include, and how to style their writing, which will give you the time to focus on other aspects of your paper, such as research or editing. 

In case you decide to write your essay yourself, let’s discuss a few steps that you can follow to stay organized and on track.

How to Go About Writing an Essay

The first step is to choose a topic. When choosing a topic, make sure that it is something you are interested in and have an understanding of. This might not always be possible, but it is always a good idea to choose a topic that you are familiar with. 

Once you have chosen a topic, the next step is to create an outline. This will help you structure your thoughts. To create an outline, start by listing all of the main points you want to include, then you can flesh out each point with supporting evidence. 

The next step is to start writing the essay. Begin by introducing your topic and stating your thesis statement. Then, develop your argument in the main body of the essay. Be sure to include counter-arguments and refute them. Finally, conclude your essay by restating your thesis statement and summing up your main findings.

How to Write a Good Essay Introduction

The introduction of your essay should be able to hook the reader into wanting to read more. One way to do this is to use a strong opening line, such as a quote, an interesting statistic, or a rhetorical question. 

Once you have the reader’s attention, you need to introduce your topic. Start by giving some background information on your topic. Then, state your thesis concept which is the central argument of your essay. It should be clear and concise. After you have stated your thesis statement, you can move on to the body of your essay.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are a lot of aspects involved in writing a good essay. But if you focus on the three main components–structure, content, and style–it gets easier to write an effective essay. If you’re still struggling, you could consider hiring a freelance writer from a reputable platform like Guru.

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