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WordPress for Small Business

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In today’s ever-connected world, having a website for your small business is absolutely essential. Today, it is estimated that over 90% of people looking to buy something new start their search online. Whether it is googling keywords or simply looking for a restaurant on Google Maps, having a website will always help your business move towards the top of the stack when it comes to customer searches. 

Having a unique website used to only be for the tech-savvy business owners who could code their own webpages or who could pay thousands of dollars to hire a web developer. Today, thanks to web page design services like WordPress, designing a website has never been easier. Let’s take a look at how much a WordPress site costs, as well as some steps you can take to find the right web developer at a budget-friendly rate. 

How Much Does a WordPress Site Cost to Make?

If you are willing to put in a bit of work watching a few YouTube tutorials, making a WordPress site is very cheap. You can use ready-made templates, plug your information and photos into the designated spaces, and have a functional website in a matter of hours. The cost of doing this is around $100 to $200, including purchasing the website domain.

If you decide to hire someone to create something a bit more customized, you might wonder how much a WordPress designer costs. On platforms like Guru, you can find plenty of excellent and affordable freelance WordPress experts for hire. Typically, basic webpage design starts at around $250 and can top out around $10,000 for a very complex and original design that likely includes graphic design as well as several other add-ons. Realistically, you can expect to spend between $500 and $1000 for a simpler, well-designed site. 

What Should I Look For in a WordPress Designer?

For starters, it is always a good idea to find a designer whose previous work coincides with your business objectives. For example, if you want to start an ecommerce website, you should find a WordPress designer who has experience with ecommerce design and knows not only how to navigate the layout of the site, security certificates, and payment systems to ensure that the most important step in getting paid is easy and pain-free. 

The second thing you should look for is a WordPress designer with an impressive portfolio of work. Does their aesthetic line up with your branding? For example, a law firm may not be interested in a web designer who specializes in artful, funky websites. Even if they cannot find a designer who specializes in legal business pages, perhaps a designer who creates corporate- or medically-focused sites might be a good option.

Final Thoughts

Getting your business online is an absolute must in today’s tech-heavy world. The odds of someone finding your business without a webpage can be quite low–customers looking for goods and services will almost always reach in their pocket for their smartphone and start searching. By creating a website, you’ll know your small business is easy to find, and by making it easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing, you will set yourself apart from the competition. 

Even for those who are not tech-savvy, designing a professional-looking website by hiring a freelancer has never been easier. By using Guru’s platform, you can find not only the freelancer of your choice to design your WordPress site, but also graphic designers to help you take your branding to the next level. As your business expands, you will also need some support for your social media presence–Guru is here every step of the way to find the right talent to help your business thrive!

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