Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
$10/hr · Starting at $30
Write SEO-friendly articles of about 1000 words in any field you desire.Edit the article only once for the basic modification.If your request violates the description of my service, I have the right t…
$30/hr · Starting at $100
I gave a purely travel-oriented direction to my career and worked for many years in the tourism sector and then as a special travel designer. The greatest motivation in this adventure in which I have
$10/hr · Starting at $25
Actually you will get a various type of writing. Especially creative writing and researching. For example, if i need write a copy about "a day of fismens", i think like a fisherman. It's and ancient p…
istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
$9/hr · Starting at $30
Highly motivated Web Developer with a background in retail management. I design and develop websites using the most current technologies to provide the best user experience while satisfying customer n…
rirfi, Istanbul, Turkey
$50/hr · Starting at $25
Avideo shared by the social media account Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) purported to show a Russian fighter attempt to take down a Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over
$30/hr · Starting at $30
Arkeoloji ile astronomiyi buluşturan Diyarbakır Zerzevan Gökyüzü Gözlem Etkinliği ، 7'den 77'ye Diyarbakırlıların büyük ilgisini çekti. Etkinlikte düzenlenen halk gününde her yaştan 5 bin gökyüzü mera…
$25/hr · Starting at $25
EYT Emeklilikte Yaşa Takılanlar için son dakika gelişmeleri yakından takip ediliyor. Milyonlarca EYT'linin beklediği teklif TBMM Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonu'nda kabul edildi. Peki، EYT başvuruları sistemd…
Kadıköyde otomobil durağa daldı! Yaralılar var Kaza saat 01.15 sıralarında Kadıköy ilçesi D-100 Karayolu Kozyatağı Mevkii أنقرة istikametinde meydana geldi. Edilen bilgiye göre makas atarak ilerlediği…
Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey
Besiktas, who recently included Emrecan Uzunhan from Istanbulspor in his squad, went on the attack in the transfer. Black-and-whites took action for Philippe Keny, who stood out with his performance
Esenyurt, Istanbul, Turkey
1- تغيير حياتك يبدأ من تغيير تفكيرك كل شيئ يحدث في الداخل حيث يوجد شيئ شيئ تنظيف ، بل إستبدال قديم بجديد. الداخل لا يحتمل وجود فراغات. التنظيف للخارج. كل أحداث حياتك تجري في الداخل. تصل إلى الداخل في…
$20/hr · Starting at $25
NATO'dan yapılan tasarım, dış bakanlık Ann ve Dışişleri Bakanlığı Bakanı Pekka Haaviston'ın yaptığı açıklamadan NATO'nun tasarımındakiyle ilgili karargahta bir araya geldiği duyuldu. Açıklamada, "NATO…
$15/hr · Starting at $30
Cihan has developed different skills in his career as a project manager. He has developed the skills that he started as a hobby and has reached the professional level. In addition to his engineering s…
بتحديث فبراير 2023 بدأ Galaxy A72 في الحصول على تحديث جديد للبرنامج. في حين أن معظم الهواتف الذكية المتطورة من الشركة تحصل على تحديث One UI 5.1 منذ يوم أمس ، كان مستخدمو Galaxy A72 يأملون في أن يجلب ا…
ISTANBUL, Istanbul, Turkey
$15/hr · Starting at $25
Compensation penalty for Rafet El Roman for songs he posted without permission In the lawsuit delivered via lyricist and musician Kerim Neşe Büyükarslan in opposition to Rafet El Roman for allegedly
GUNGOREN, Istanbul, Turkey
$5/hr · Starting at $25
Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanı Derya Yanık، 6 yaşındaki çocuğa istismar olayıyla ilgili açıklamalarda bulundu. Bakan Yanık ، "Çocuk istismarı ، çocuğa yönelik istismar vakaları siyasetin konusu değil…
لقيت فتاة تبلغ من العمر 16 عامًا مصرعها بعد أن هاجمها سمكة قرش أثناء السباحة في نهر في غرب أستراليا. وأعلنت وفاتها بعد انتشالها من نهر سوان في ضاحية فريمانتل في بيرث يوم السبت. ويعتقد أن الفتاة من بير…
Üniversiteye hazırlanan depremzede öğrencileri, Hatay'dan Konya'daki KYK yurduna taşıyan otobüs, Adana'da kömür yüklü kamyona arkadan çarptı. Kazada, öğretmen Hanife Şahin ile öğrencilerden Merve Genç…
WASHINGTON — Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday temporarily shielded Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, from having to answer questions from a special grand jury in Georgia investiga…
Bayrambasa, Istanbul, Turkey
NASA announced that a new 20-Earth-size hole has been observed on the Sun. The giant hole can send solar winds to the Earth at a speed of 2 million 896 thousand kilometers. A new 20-Earth-size hole ha…
$50/hr · Starting at $50
وبلغ معدل التضخم في الولايات المتحدة 8.6 بالمئة في مايو متجاوزا توقعات السوق. وهكذا ، بلغ التضخم في الولايات المتحدة أعلى مستوى له منذ 41 عامًا. تم الإعلان عن أرقام التضخم الأمريكية لشهر مايو. وعليه ،…