egypt, Al Gharbiyah, Egypt
$25/hr · Starting at $25
The hadiths of the Prophet about patience 1 - It was narrated that - the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (No illness, fatigue, sickness, or sadness befalls a believer, not eve…
Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
$5/hr · Starting at $25
The social media firm’s lawsuit to enforce its deal with Elon Musk is expected to begin soon in Delaware’s Chancery Court Twitter Inc.’s lawsuit seeking to enforce its $44 billion deal with Elon Musk…
Najaf, An Najaf, Iraq
أغلقت مؤسسة لتناول الطعام في هيوستن آخر موقع لها في Inner Loop. أغلقت جزيرة جيمس كوني عند زاوية Shepherd Drive و Richmond Avenue بهدوء الأسبوع الماضي. تم نشر اللافتات أمام المطعم على النحو التالي: تأ…
Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel
Market BuzzBitcoin jumps 3%, Ether surges over 10% Major cryptocurrencies traded in the green early on July 17 as the global crypto market-cap rose by 3.25 percent to $962.55 billion over the last day…
Jeddah, Al Qurayyat, Saudi Arabia
$10/hr · Starting at $25
Her Highness Sheikha Latifa Bint Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairperson of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) and member of the Dubai Council, revealed that Dubai consolidated its s…
mecca, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
$27/hr · Starting at $27
Since the beginning of creation, man has been known as a civil person, as confirmed by sociologists, who have said about man as a civilian by nature, and this means that man cannot live in isolation o…
Akure, Ondo, Nigeria
$20/hr · Starting at $50
I am a very comprehensive writer. I write words, stories, articles through which my clients can either use to increase sales and spread their products through persuasion letters (copywriting), or educ…
kirkuk, At Ta'mim, Iraq
Ryan Gosling as the CIA operative Six Credit - Paul Abell—Netflix It’s just another day at the office for the Gray Man. The CIA-trained assassin from the top-secret Sierra program has been sent to Ban…
Makkah, Al Isma'iliyah, Egypt
$20/hr · Starting at $25
Europe may still be grappling with a heat wave, but already it's bracing for President Vladimir Putin to squeeze a crucial natural gas pipeline and force millions to ration heating this winter. Govern…
Ramallah, Hebron, Palestinian Territories
$6/hr · Starting at $25
طلب الرئيس الأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينسكي من جميع المدنيين الذين ما زالوا يعيشون في أجزاء من منطقة دونيتسك الشرقية الخاضعة للسيطرة الأوكرانية الإخلاء. وقال زيلينسكي خلال خطاب ألقاه في وقت متأخر من الليل…
jerusalem, HaMerkaz, Israel
$30/hr · Starting at $30
KHERSON, Ukraine -- Residents of Kherson celebrated the end of Russia’s eight-month occupation for the third straight day Sunday, even as they took stock of the extensive damage left behind in the sou…
Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
Récemment, deux guides de Hawkesbury ont remporté les plus grands honneurs lorsqu'elles ont reçu des certificats aux Region Youth Awards. La guide junior Evelyn (Evie) Lynch, 8 ans, a reçu un prix Jun…
Elqahirah, Al Qahirah, Egypt
A U.S. citizen was shot dead in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, the State Department announced Monday, marking a rare attack on foreign visitors to the country. “We can confirm the death of a U.S. citiz…
jeedah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
$15/hr · Starting at $25
When driving daily, motorists perform many of the behaviors they are accustomed to without realizing the extent of their negative impact on the life of the car and the damage caused to it, although th…
Rabat, Al Hoceima, Morocco
Flüssigerdgas gilt als wichtiger Baustein für die Energieversorgung im kommenden Winter. Jetzt gibt Katar einen Liefervertrag mit Deutschland bekannt - der aber nur einen kleinen Teil des Jahresverbra…
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
$25/hr · Starting at $100
تعد الحكومة الفرنسية مشروع قانون جديد للهجرة-التاسع والعشرون منذ 1980- تتمتع بسياسة "متوازنة" قوانين الدولة الأجنبية "و" السيئين ". أعلن وزير العمل ، أوليفييه دوسوبت ووزير الداخلية ، ووزير الداخلية ،
nineveh, Ninawa, Iraq
No other country in western Europe has been criticised more for allegedly doing too little too late to support Ukraine than Germany. Its political class has been accused of cosying up to the Kremlin f…
Azaz, Nickerie, Suriname
قالت السيدة الأولى في البلاد لبي بي سي إن التأثير الاقتصادي للحرب في أوكرانيا قاسٍ على حلفائها. أخبرت أولينا زيلينسكا يوم الأحد مع لورا كوينسبرغ أنه إذا كان الدعم لأوكرانيا قويًا ، فستكون الأزمة أقصر.…
Ad Dawhah, Ad Dawhah, Qatar
خطوة الصين الجديدة قد تقتل 2.1 مليون في كارثة كوفيد يُظهر تحليل جديد أن الصين تواجه ما يصل إلى 2.1 مليون حالة وفاة في الأشهر المقبلة بعد تخلي الرئيس شي جين بينغ عن سياسة "زيرو كوفيد" الكارثية. يقول
Cairo, Al Jizah, Egypt
Russia Rages After Son of Putin Official Is Nabbed on U.S. Charges The Kremlin is threatening retaliatory action after authorities arrested Artyom Uss, the son of a top Russian official, at the Unite…