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  • Creative Writing

    $20/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     INSTRUCTIONAL WRITER Provide information and a perspective on what a specific area needs both structurally and procedurally Analyze specific area structures and responsibility by examining who...

  • Technical Writing

    $20/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     INSTRUCTIONAL WRITER Provide information and a perspective on what a specific area needs both structurally and procedurally Analyze specific area structures and responsibility by examining who...

  • Articles & Press Releases

    $20/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     INSTRUCTIONAL WRITER Provide information and a perspective on what a specific area needs both structurally and procedurally Analyze specific area structures and responsibility by examining who...

  • Reports

    $20/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     INSTRUCTIONAL WRITER Provide information and a perspective on what a specific area needs both structurally and procedurally Analyze specific area structures and responsibility by examining who...

  • Speeches

    $20/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     INSTRUCTIONAL WRITER Provide information and a perspective on what a specific area needs both structurally and procedurally Analyze specific area structures and responsibility by examining who...