We at AK FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS,provide complete answers to the needs of our clients relating to Accounting,Tax Planning & Assessment, Project Financing.
We at AK FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS,provide financial services as per the needs of our clients,We are a team of professionals consisting Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, & MBA’s, focussing largely on:
1. Preparation & Finalisation of Financial Records.
2. Project Financing.
3. Tax Planning & Assessment including MVAT, SERVICE TAX & TDS assistance.
4. Company Registrations
5. Compliance L.B.T
6. Budgeting
*Our team is dedicated to adhere to the given time deadline, there will be no time delays.
*We provide the maximum service at minimum price in the market, as our main focus is on building long term relationship with the client and provide quality work.
*We are presently active in Nagpur,Mumbai,Pune,& Delhi, Soon we will be expanding our wings to other major corporate centres.
Contact us @
Siddhartha Agrawal +91-9637688417 (Co-founder)
Prashant Kapaley +91-8975561655 (Co-Founder)
EMAIL us @ :- akfinancialconsultants@gmail.com
Twitter Handle :- @FinancialAK
Founded: 2010
Work Terms
We are open all seven days, from 10am to 8pm.
Our Contact no:
Siddhartha Agrawal +91-9637688417
Prashant Kapaley +91-8975561655
Email: akfinancialconsultants@gmail.com
payment mode: online banking