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  • Song Writing
  • Writing
  • Lyrics Writing
  • English Language
  • Gujarati Language
  • Hindi Language
  • Lyric Writing
  • Lyrics
  • Product Demo
  • Rapper
  • Singer
  • Singing
  • Vocalist


  • I'll Write a Hindi Song For you

    $7/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I will write a Hindi Bollywood, Hindi Original type of for you,as per as your requirement and as per as the feel of the Song.

    Hindi LanguageLyric WritingSong WritingWriting
  • I will write a Gujarati Song for you

    $7/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I will write a gujarati song for you as per as your requirement and as per as the feel of the Scene you want to create. for eg. Romantic, Sad, Rap Songs etc

    Gujarati LanguageLyrics WritingSong WritingWriting
  • I will write a English Song for you

    $7/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I will write a song for you as per as your requirement and as per as the scene and feel of the song, and will provide you demo work too.

    English LanguageLyricsLyrics WritingProduct DemoSong Writing
  • I will Sing a Song for You.

    $7/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'll Sing a Song for you as per as your Requirement and feel of the song and scene of Situation and will also provide you a demo work. I can Sing Sad,Romantic and Rap Songs.



Want to be different from society

I'm a music lover and exploring music since childhood and love to perform my art and work

Work Terms

As you are Comfortable

Attachments (Click to Preview)