Virtual Assistant|Lead Generation|Web Scraping|
Hello Greeting, Basit Rajpoot here, Welcome to my Guru Record. I am graduated with an MBA. Apart from this, I have work with ZONG 4G as Customer Selling Representative (CSR) and Apex Consulting Firm as a Internal Field Monitor (IFM). And also I have been done years of expertise in Virtual Assistant fields such as. Data Entry (Excel, Word, or any type) * Web Scraping * Data Scraping * Data Collection * File Conversion (PDF to Excel, PDF to word or any type) Email Listing * Administrative tasks * Lead Generation * Copy Paste*. For me, client satisfaction is my first priority. I am committed to my quality work and believe in quality than quantity. So, I want to work with the client's who appreciate me according to my good work as well.
Basit Rajpoot
Work Terms
I will also open up to work with client's at 24/7. And I want to be paid as soon as I finish my work and give it to my clients.The communication I do is in English, Urdu, Punjabi and the rest. If the clients speak in any other language, I will check the condition of the project.