Senior Front-End Developer
I'm a certified Front-End Developer who can develop your website whether (personal, company, e-commerce, etc). hand-coded, browser-compatibility, clean and well-commented code, and with great responsiveness in all screens(desktop, mobile, tablet, etc).
My priorities are:
- Fast response and Good communication.
- High attention to details.
- Respect of deadlines.
- High Quality and Performance.
- Clean, Semantic and W3C valid markup.
My expertise areas are:
- Responsive Web Design:
[HTML5, CSS, Applied Visual Design, Applied Accessibility]
- JavaScript Algorithms And Data Structures:
[ES6, Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Algorithm Scripting, Data Structures]
- Front End Libraries:
[ Bootstrap, Sass, jQuery, React and Redux ]
- Git & GitHub & Gitlab & Heroku
- Photoshop
Don't hesitate to contact me! I will gladly help you with your project!