I am eager to give my clients the best service ever and exert the full potential to make my client satisfied.
Hello, I’m an experienced front-end web developer, working with clients in many different sectors, varying in size from small and local businesses, with experience in the basic tools (languages and frameworks) for creating a well-designed, responsive web page.
I am a self learner that I had almost of my experience from the internet and through educational websites like Udacity and other YouTube channels.
I had my first Nano degree from Udacity as a Professional web developer.
I love learn every new and make good relationships with my clients.
Experiences in the sector...
- HTML5, CSS3, JS, node.js, express.js, and async JavaScript
- I have trained for about two months in Rivile company
- Had my Nano degree from Udacity as Professional web developer
I can do...
- Write HTML, CSS, and JS code clearly
- Build responsive and modern webpages
- Use methods to make a web API easily
Work Terms
I use any way of communication with my clients and that depends on the best style to follow in the process of getting information. The time period I am eager to provide for my work is too big, so that I can make the project very satisfying for the client.
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